Monday, October 08, 2007
I'm Back!
The MRI showed the lunate bone to be very cloudy and I was diagnosed with a rare bone disease called Kienbock's Disease. Basically, the Orthopedic Surgeon said the lunate bone in my wrist was not getting proper circulation because my radius is longer than my ulnar bone and immediate surgery was needed to shorten my radius, insert a plate, and try to revascularize my lunate... yeah, thats what I said. Over the next several months I visited hand specialist and researched the condition all the while thinking something was wrong. Just picture me sitting at my desk tapping away at the keyboard surrounded by twinkie, snowball, and cupcake wrappers. Yeah, I had stopped training. Running with a cast was not fun and trying to ride with one was even less fun. I had to figure out what to do. In my gut, I knew something was off about the diagnosis. I mean, Occam's Razor says that the injury was caused by the mountain bike crash. I continued to search and research nonetheless. I saw 6 hand specialists and found a couple of recurring themes. One: Kienbock's Disease is really rare, Two: No one really knew what to do with it except operate and of all the 4 or 5 options for operation, research showed success rates to be less than 55%. One Doc, who was voted best hand guy in Dallas, said that he had only seen this once in his 38 year career and said, "we can learn together." His suggestion was a cast for 12 to 18 months to see if the bone would restore blood flow on its own. Yeah, a YEAR in a cast... NEXT! I had everything from that to immediate surgery to surgery whenever. The scary thing is that all the orthopedists just wanted to cut, saw and plate. The hand guys were all over the map. Finally, I found a young hand specialist that actually had experience with Kienbock's. His name is Dr. Thomas C. Dilibert. He said that he thought it was related to the mountain bike crash and because the MRI appeared cloudy on the end and not consistently across the bone that it could be a really bad bone bruise, but bottom line, it did not look like Kienbock's and he has seen Kienbock's. He said, sure you are Ulnar Negative, but that doesn't mean Kienbock's. Plenty of people have different size Ulnar and Radius bones and have no problems. So I took his advice and we decided to wait a while and then re-MRI it.
So we waited four months and redid the MRI. Guess what? My gut feeling was right. Everything was okay. The lunate was normal which means it was a bruised bone. We did find some torn and damaged cartilage in my wrist, but that can wait until after Ironman.
That is right, I am back. I have re-upped, signed up for the Louisville Ironman for 2008. So we will try this again! I have been procrastinating in updating this blog for a really long time and now it would take me forever to get all that has happened since I last actively blogged. So bear with me as I get you up to date.
Basically, Coach Phelan has had me running like crazy. I did not ride much after last spring's normal series of rallies. I rode the Dallas/Fort Worth MS 150, well at least the first day of it, then went the next day to win the Benbrook Sprint Tri's Clydesdale division. After that, I raced in a few tris, ran a little, rode a little, and kind of went through the rest of the season with little to show for the little training I had done. In August, we went to Chicago for the Half Marathon. It was my first and a wake up call. My goal was to break 2 hours, but I finished just over at 2:02:46.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Tuesday Track
Here is my workout:
Warmup: 1 Mile easy
Mile: 7:38.09
1000 Meter: 4:50.25
800 Meter: 3:52.33
800 Meter: Sat this one out
400 Meter: 1:42.35
400 Meter: 1:46.79
200 Meters (optional)
200 Meters (optional)
30 minutes on the bike easy spin
Monday, July 09, 2007
Sunday's Long Run
Sunday morning my beautiful triathlete wife and I got up to go run around White Rock Lake. I am not sure why, but that run is really special. We arrived a little behind schedule and I knew it would be hot, but I was fired up to be out and running long again. The run began just before 7:00 AM with a quick stretch, I was off. I really felt great. Usually, the first half mile or so is a rough one but today, I felt awesome. As I mentioned in my updates, my training has not been great and I had not had a long run in a while, so 9 miles was looking like the plan. I had ridden the lake a million times and knew the course well. The thought of running it made it seem like much longer. The first half was great. My form was good and I felt strong. At about half way, my iPod died and I hit a section that is uphill for a couple of miles. At that point, my core was losing strength and my form was going out the window. I was also sweating like a mule. The air was very humid and there was nowhere for my sweat to go so it soaked my shorts and legs and ran into my eyes. With about two and a half miles to go I began the internal debate of walking or not or stopping for bit or not. I remembered the time when this distance would have been no problem and was pissed at myself for letting my training go. It was really hard. But I searched my motivation tank and remembered Dean Karnazes talking about one step at a time so I plodded on. Along the way back on the back side of the lake, you can see the parking lot but there are several false horizons and each time I thought I was there, another cove would open up and a long stretch of road filled with cyclists, runners and walkers would appear. I questioned my knowledge of the course over and over. I just fixed my eyes ahead and kept running. At one point I found myself passing several other runners who were drenched in sweat and shuffling. One of them was wearing an Ironman Dryfit shirt so I wanted to make sure I looked good when I passed. This ended up giving me a little lift and a second wind. Before I knew it, I was back at the car. 1 hour 20 minutes and 33 seconds. I felt really good about the run and know this will be a shot in the arm for my training. For the rest of the day, I would be in the best mood and feeling like I am back... just a little back!
Sunday, July 08, 2007
TWU Sprint

After taking three weeks off, I decided there would be no better way to break back into training than to do a little race. Rebecca and I headed up to Denton for the TWU Power Pioneer Triathlon... another Ironhead Race Production Sprint Distance Triathlon (click here for results). The last tri I did was the Saturday before leaving for camp... the Paddle, Pedal, Pound the Pavement Tri in Grapevine, which took place on June 2. That was literally the last time I rode, ran... and I only swam once since then. Coming back from Camp brought chaos to the training schedule and I was just getting ready to get back into the grove then I got sick... and that lasted two weeks! The bad news was that I gave my sore throat, chest congestion, headache, violent cough (Becca says it is loud enough to break glass) and runny nose. She was about a week behind me, but sick still on race day. I feel pretty good and have for the past several days. The only thing that remains is the cough and a voice that sounds like some weird Muppet or Fraggle or something. To add to the chaos and illness, it has also been raining, Noah's Ark -style here for the past, uh, MONTH! Some say that all of the rain is elevating the fungus, mold and mildew in the air, which is causing everyone to get sick... anyway June was not an ideal month for training to say the least!
So we decided to race anyway... just for fun (right!).
Major Bigtime Update
For a while in late May, I had worked my run back up and was really cranking out the miles. I had a really big race on the calendar and was trained up, peaking and ready to roll! Memorial Day weekend, we (and 4,000 others) stood in the rain and ankle deep water waiting for the race officials to call off the race... they did and it hurt me. I was really pumped up and the cancellation was a huge let down. The next week, my motivation waned. Becca and I were getting ready to leave for a week in Colorado to take a group of highschoolers to Young Life Camp in Fraser, CO. I knew that I would not have any time or energy to run while there. In a last minute effort to keep the train rolling, I booked myself for the Paddle, Pedal, Pount the Pavement Tri in Grapevine the Saturday Morning before we were to board the bus for the 14 hour trip. There are alot of ways to ensure sleep on the bus and this is probably not the best... the muscle spasms were horrible in the cramped bus seats. Anyway, I showed up to the race and had low expectations. My Coach, Chris Phelan, was there vying for the cash prize to be given... These local money races pull the fast guys out of the woodwork. I was glad Chris was there, I really wanted to do well for him. To make a long story shorter, I had a fabulous race! I PR'd my run and finshed 11th overall. Click Here for the splits I felt really good about the run but knew that the bike needed some work... if I had only been keeping with it, I could have flown! My legs felt dead and I knew it was from the brutal fact that I have not been riding at all. Cycling has always been my stregth and I think I have taken it for granted. My cycling partner Norm is addicted to MTB and Stephen moved away, and the Morganator is away for the summer so my only hope for cycling looks lonely. I have to get over this and get back out there! Anyway, we went to camp and had an amazing time (read all about it at When we got back I took a day off to catch up on rest lost on the bus ride home. This extended into a bonus day then one more just to make sure... all of a sudden the entire week went by and I was working till late and trying to keep up with the three days a week of camp follow up. The next weekend came and Becca and I both buckled down and vowed to get back into the grove. Then the rain came. Then came the cold (sick). The cold moved to a sore throat, then to my head, down to my chest and then I was coughing -- violently. This mystery illness would hang on for two weeks, zapping my energy and ablility to train. It was aweful. To make matters worse, it rained for something like 22 straight days. It seemed that all would be lost.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Riding or Hiding?
Back in February, I took a bad spill on my mountain bike. The result was a badly injured wrist. After a battery of x-rays and MRI's, the orthopedic surgeon came back to me with the diagnosis of an extremely rare degenerative bone disease of the hand called Kienbock's Disease. I was really floored by this finding. The ortho wanted to operate with major surgery right away. I opted for a second option! The second doctor is an old school guy that is really well known and respected. He said that he has only seen one case like this in all his practice (since 1968) and wasn't sure what to do. He definitely wanted to take a conservative approach... this was evident by his prescription of treatment, which was a cast for 9 to 12 months. NO THANK YOU! So I went to another doctor... the third doctor concluded that is was bone trauma and torn cartilage that could be remedied by a cortisone shot. That sounded good, so I went with it. That was a month ago and as I write this, I cringe when I have to reach for the "Y" key with my right hand. It is still pretty painful. I am not sure what to believe. The third and second doctors claim that orthopedic surgeons just want to cut at every chance they get to make more money. If that is true, then I am really worried about all of the unnecessary surgeries that must take place every day. I mean, I was hours away from having 3MM of my radius removed! I think my wrist has gotten better, so I will just proceed with caution. Needless to say, this put me way back in my training. The psychological hit was huge. It is something that I really wrestled with. I did learn one thing though, casts are not as easy to remove as you would think! It took mean hour with a crow-bar, hack saw and tin snips... no lie!
As for Ironman, I am not sure what I am going to do at this point. I could probably finish it and it will probably be really hard, or I can sit out a year and it will be the same. Bottom line is that I need to make a decision soon. I lost over a month of training and motivation... it has been tough. Luckily, I have a very good coach and a strong support base that will continue to support me no matter what I decide to do.
I have been back on track now for about a month and training hard. For now, I will keep training and racing. In fact I am racing in Grapevine this weekend if anyone wants to come watch. I will be racing age group so it should be interesting. Based on last year's times I should have a shot at an age group win if I can sub 1:10:00 the 300 yard swim, 20k bike and 6k run. I am shooting for a 4:40 swim, 35 Min bike and a 30 min 6K... that equals 1:10. It will all depend on who shows up! Wish me luck!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Monday 3-12-07: 3 mile run (missed the swim)
Tuesday 3-13-07: 4 mile run and Form Drills with coach at the track
Wednesday 3-14-07: Lunch appointment kept me out of the pool and I ran out of gas in Ft. Worth... with my Boss in the Car, by the way... needless to say, I missed the Wed. bike ride. This will be blogged about someday soon.
Thursday 3-15-07: 3 mile run (had a time crunch...)
Friday: Off (not that I deserved it this week)
Saturday: 64 Mile Bike Ride (Beauty and the Beast in Tyler) 3:03:01. Can't wait to blog about this one... Great ride but got MULED on the Beast (the big hill). The pack split and I ended up with the second group. Great ride though.
Sunday 3-18-07: 6 Mile Run. Having some issues with shoe change, cannot wait for my new orthotics... will give that update as well later when I have more elusive time...
Monday 3-19-07: 3 mile maintenance run. A little stiff and some lingering pains from the shoe change. Missed the swim again due to YL club. need to figure out the nooner swim.
Tuesday 3-20-07: 3 Mile Run and 3000 Meter Swim. Great swim! My sister is in town on her spring break and she swam with us. She was a Varsity swimmer in High school so it was fun swimming with a pro!
And now it is Wednesday the 21st... Getting ready to go ride and swim.
There, I feel better. Sorry for the boring post, but at least I have logged everything. I hope to get some additional time to tell all the funny stories that go with that week! See ya down the road!
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Friday, March 09, 2007
I entered the pool area and began the search for swim toys that would work for me. I purposefully left my gear in the truck knowing it would be provided. After a minute buried in the flipper bin, I began to regret my decision. Whoever is in charge there has something against size 12 flippers. There were some ambiguously labeled "9-11," plain "10" and "13-14." Just no "12." I guessed low and went with the "9-11" option... I should have known! That is a big range and reality meant 11 was stretching it and getting it on my size 12 mallet would be even less of a reality. When the kick set came, i found myself clinching my toes with foot cramps just trying to keep them on. They were stretched so tight, I could just see one flinging off and into another lane! Ugh. Anyway, after selecting the junk I needed I began my final approach to the pool. I was a little nervous about the lane I would select for my first group swim since age 18.
As I approached the pool with a nervous grin, arms full of swim implements, fully aware of myself, I scanned for anything familiar. My eyes and grin met the lady holding the clip board. I began a nervous ramble of information that would assumably help her determine the best lane for me but was interrupted with an "I know... take lane three there." My eyes followed her arm down to an outstretched finger pointing to a 25 meter piece of real estate churning with accomplished swimmers.
"Lane three?" I said to myself, "thanks a lot coach!" I quickly realized that I had seriously oversold my swimming abilities... to someone (DAVID!), or they were inflated beyond reality... The workout went exactly as I expected... I went our too fast and blew up about half way through. I was so self conscious that I stopped doing flip turns after blowing one and snorting half the pool through my nose. Coach and the Morganator kept saying things to me between sets... my head was pounding with the sound of my heart beat and I could not hear any of it. I just smiled and nodded. When I did speak, my voice crackled and was hoarse. I finally sat out a 50 and clung to the wall only to have Mrs. Clipboard look down and laugh at me with her hands on her hips (one still clinching the clipboard) saying, "we call that a masters moment. At this point I had lost count of the laps and distance... I was just trying to finish. With one set left I began thinking and quickly remembered that I had a 45 mile bike ride after this! About that time, BAM! My right calf locked up in the most unholy Charley horse ever. Luckily it was the last set and I was done. I had a hard time scaling the edge of the pool due to the workout. It ended up being about 3000 meters, give or take a 50. I was nervous about being able to hang on the bike.
I showered, put on the bibs and hopped in the car, making way to the bike store. The whole way I was pounding gu, cliff bars and various fruit. I giggled once with a mouth fool of banana thinking about how bad my gas would be later...
The really amazing thing is that the swim did not really affect my bike ride. I felt great! I could tell that my right calf was tight but after a few miles it losened up enough to let me keep with the pack. I tried to stay tucked in, well at least as well as an 6 foot 1 225 fat boy can. It was a little nerve wracking at first riding very tight and fast in the pack. We were on the 9:05 ride, which is notoriously fast. The pace was 25 to 27. I hung in well. They almost lost me at highschool hill, but I made it and was able to recover quickly enough to tuck back in. The ride was going great and I was feeling strong and no sign of slowing. Then: "pssssssssssssssss!" A flat! I flatted with about 15 miles left. Luckily, Gary from the Bike Mart stopped and had an extra tube. I was telling coach as we were about a mile into the ride that I had forgotten my flat kit. It never fails! The ride back with Gary was good, we visited about various new bike parts, wheels and life. We rode slowly but I still ended up with a 21 average.
It was a great day and a great workout! I love the way I am feeling and the fitness that I am achieving!
Wednesday night I took much of the week's frustration out on the bike. I rode the Irving Criterium. Since I turned my Cervelo into a fulltime tri bike, I have been riding my Steel (853) Lemond. I love that bike but was intimidated at first glance around the pack... my Lemond was the cheapest bike in the bunch by about $1,000. Everyone there was on Colnago, Kelley, Orbea, Seven, or something really high end... I could tell right away that I was in elite company. The ride itself reminded me of racing as a kid. It was such a blast to jockey for position in the line, play cat and mouse, chase attackers... the whole bit. I felt great! The speeds were high, around 27 to 29 on the straights. My ego had a huge boost when I found myself in the lead group or chase group with plenty of gas to spare. I countered one attack and overtook the attacker on one lap and stayed off for a lap and a half. It was awesome. When I attacked, my speed was 32 and nobody was on my wheel. I LOVE that stuff! Especially being as fat as I am on a cruddy bike! It made me want to start road racing again... but I will forget about all of that and stick to the plan. My performance that night made me feel good about my fitness, although it was a short hour and a half crit. We will see how I do at distance this weekend!
The rest of the week was pretty good. I managed to fit in all my workouts except one swim yesterday. I ran 4 miles last night and felt pretty good. I am going Monday to have a second opinion on my orthotics. I am having some right knee pain and some pain on the inside of my left ankle. I never had these before getting orthotics, so I am not sure what is up. The shinns are not as sore. I could feel my right one every now and again flare up in the run, but not too bad. I hope it is just my body adapting.
I am feeling a little better today: Sleep 8hrs, Stress 5, Fatigue 3, Soreness 5.
I have also begun to realize some of my hard work in the weight department. It seems that overnight I have dropped from 230 to 226. I weighed in at 226 the last two mornings. This really motivates me!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
As I swam and began to take notice of my mental and physical state to be recorded in my log, I noticed the ranking system was a little high: Sleep 6, Stress 9, Fatigue 8, Soreness 8. And I have only really started ramping up. Until now, it has been sort of whatever, swim as much as I can, Ride allot and run some. Then I started thinking about my week and past weekend so far... Saturday: Booked, Sunday: Full, Monday: Crazy then Young Life Club, Tuesday: Crazy Sales Blitz again then Young Life Committee Meeting... It kinda hit me: THIS IS GOING TO BE HARD! I am a little discouraged this morning. I am sore, tired and stressed and just getting going... I am hoping that work will calm down a little and maybe that will help. Until then, it will be a wild ride until Saturday!
Monday, March 05, 2007
Piper (my Golden) and I ran an easy 3 miles this morning, or what my coach calls a "maintenance" run. Not sure how it is maintenance, but I am sure there are many things I don't know about being an elite athlete (not that I will ever be, but who knows). The run was okay this morning. I was a little sore from this weekend, but not bad. I am hoping that the extra exercise will keep Piper from destroying another pillow while we are gone during the day.
Training this weekend was okay. I did not get a good quality long run in like I had hoped. I did get a longish run in, but the weekend did not pan out the way I wanted. I had planned to do my long ride on Saturday and long run on Sunday. I waited around for a buddy to ride but something came up and he had to bail. It was a horendously windy day on Saturday, so I decided to swap the run and ride long on Sunday, which was supposed to be nicer. I wanted to go somewhere and run due to being sick of the same old neighborhood route, so I hopped in the car and set out to a nearby park with a 3 mile path. All was going well until the tire went flat. It was mid afternoon Saturday and just one of those things that would not be quick but it had to be fixed. By the time I got it fixed, it was getting close to time to meet some friends for dinner so I opted for a short neighborhood run (3 Miles). Coach P's voice in my head said "volume... do antything... something." So I did.
On Sunday, I agreed to lead a training ride for Wachovia's MS 150 Bicycle Tour Team. I am team captain and organizing a 30 rider team to raise money to fight MS. As part of my duties, I lead a training ride. These are usually really slow, so I don't count them as training. Anyway, Becca was going to go with me, but following her crash Friday, she was out. I decided to take the opportunity to make it into a long ride. I rode from my house to White Rock Lake and met my group. We did two loops around the lake and then I rode home. The first loop was painfully slow, the second a little faster and the ride home was brutal fast into a 15 to 20 mph headwind. All in all, it was a good ride. I ended up with 55 miles and a 17 average despite the 12 to 13 first lap and 15 to 16 second.
I am really fired up about getting up this morning... I guess it is the little things. This week at work will be horrible and stressful. I hope the morning workouts will squelch that stress a little. Have a great day, thanks for reading.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
I have hired a coach! I have decided that trying to sort thought the volumes of Friel , Fitzgerald and the like to develop a plan is just not my strength, especially when trying to be a top producer at work, keep up our ministry, train for an Ironman and maintain my sanity! I am really excited about the opportunity and direction that I will and am receiving. We met Thursday and have begun the process of developing me into a runner and hopefully Ironman! It is already challenging and motivating me to make some different decisions and lifestyle changes. Coming soon, be sure to look out for Darren v223.21030, which includes the new early morning workout patch/update. It is being tested in Beta at the moment and still having some technical difficulties, but stay tuned for the release... hopefully it will be more successful than the Vista launch.
Anyway, forget about the past few weeks... I will fill in the data when I have time. I have been training in all disciplines, just not with any focus or direction. Today , I find myself a bit grounded with the onset of a severe cold. I really hope to nip it in the bud as I cannot afford to be sick right now. Next week at work will be one of the most demanding as I embark on a week long blitz (not my choice). We'll see how it goes... who knows, it may give me a chance to catch up on the blog data... although, I can honestly say, I would rather be behind on my blog and out on the road then sick on the sofa!
Friday, February 16, 2007
Yesterday morning's run was squelched by record cold temperatures. We ended up running to the gym, doing circuit trainin, then running home. Alltold, we ran about 4.5 miles. It was miserable cold. My faith continues to wane in my orthotics... I am having some blistering and pain issues. Do these things really work? They were great at first and are now giving me fits. Maybe I need a second opinion.
I can't wait for the weather to turn normal or at least warm. I hate this cold and rainy crud. Becca and I are racing in a duathlon this weekend. I am so out of shape it isn't even funny. Maybe we make this a fun one.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Observation: the 24 hour fitness pool in Mesquite, Texas = NASTY. The highlight was the bonus item bandaid laying face up in the middle of the lane! I think I have been spoiled by the greatness of the Landry Center.
This morning we did not get up. We had a Young Life Committee meeting last night that put us home late. Additionally, it was 26 degress when I woke up... NO WAY!
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Here are the runs so far for Feb: (All are very slow for building base and breaking in my gimp foot)
- 2 miler on the 2nd (short of time apparently) 18 min
- 5K 30 min on the 5th
- 3 miler alone morning run 25:40 (8:33 pace felt great)
- 5k Race with Becca. Chose to run with her the whole race. We had a blast running this together not worrying about the time. It was 32 min.
- This morning we got up and ran 30 min in the neighborhood.
We finally got up together to start the workout. It did not happen without some debate and motivating comments. I hope we can keep this trend up. It was very cold and windy this morning and not the kind of morning you want to get up and begin a routine on. I am feeling pretty good in the run. The only negative is that I am losing faith in my orthotics. They are really bothering me and especially my right foot. The heal rubs funny and is starting a blister. I am going to give them to the end of Feb and go back to get them adjusted. I thought about scrapping them but afterall the stability did end the clicking in my gimp foot, so they must be doing something right.
Another observation... I am not losing weight like I normally do. I know this is due to the lack of proper eating. The years of crash dieting and salad eating have burned my desire to eat healthy. I wish I had not worn myself out on salads so much. My focus to eat right keeps getting put off for some reason. I will work on that next week.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Following the run Becca and I went to the pool ans swam 2000. It was a really boring workout. I found myself wanting to cheat and quit. I wish we had a longer pool... the kick turns are wearing me out... I hate getting water in my nose, especially with a headcold.
Still have not lost any lbs... I am getting a bit discouraged at this... it seems like the weight came off faster in the past. For the amount of work I am doing, I would have thought to see some results by now. I guess I'll just keep pressing. I really wish it would stop raining and being cold so I could ride!
Sorry for the boring entry... just wanted to get it on the log. Have a great day!
Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, Becca and I ran 40 minutes and went the pool to swim. I only ended up with a 1500 swim because we were running late. The highlight of the weekend was the Young Life Committee retreat. I hope to blog about this event a little more on my other blog, so look for it later. We did not run or do anything Sunday. I felt like crap Sunday and took a much needed 4 hour nap, ate dinner and went back to sleep. I feel better today. Today is the first morning I have not had a headache upon waking up. I was a little depressed this morning for some odd reason... think it might be the Devil. I know for sure he did not like the events that took place in favor of Christ's kingdom on the retreat. We have Young Life Club tonight (first of the semester) so there will be no training.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Following the run, we went to 24 for a swim-a-rooskie. Here is the breakdown:
- 300M Warmup
- 10 x 50 Kick alternating fast and slow with 15 sec rest
- 200M easy freestyle
- 10 x 50 Pull drill with paddles with 15 sec rest
- 2 x 100 sprints 30 sec rest between
- 300M cool down
The swim was great. I tried to quit after the sprints but Becca made me finish. I am glad she made me tho. The pool was super crowded tonight. There was only one other person in the there that could swim more than a 25 without stopping. I first noticed him on my last set of pulls. We finished at the same time. He was a huge guy, pretty cut and spoke with what I thought was a Russian accent. In the locker room he struck up a conversation about my new TYR swim bag. He then begins grilling me about what I am training for... he was basically begging me to ask him the same. I was on to him from the start so I decided to refrain as an experiment. I listened and answered his questions but remained completely self absorbed... I asked him nothing. He could not stand it and eventually began spilling. Turns out that he is also training for a triathlon... an Olympic. But he has done a half before. He runs 6:45 miles in the half and does not like the bike. He is thinking of getting a new bike this season but is not sure. He swims 1,500 everyday and runs on the treadmill in the afternoons. Today he missed his usual 5:00 so was in here tonight to swim his 1,500. I am thinking... "is this guy for real?" He began spilling his life story basically. Then I started to see myself... I have done this before... mainly out of insecurity, but I have. It was entertaining at the least. I mean he was only in the pool for my last 700. Before I left, I introduced myself as me and he shook my hand and introduced himself as Juan. I was amused and smiled to myself as I shouldered my new bag and exited the locker room. I met Rebecca in the lobby and launched into the tale of the Juan the Russian triathlete. That made me giggle a little. I am excited to do the Ironman and want so bad to have the distinction, but if I ever get like Juan, someone please slap my fatass!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Training on Monday is always difficult for me... Becca and I planned to get up early and hit the pool. We found ourselves in a groggy converstion at about 5:00AM justifying why that was not a good idea. So we skipped it and replaced the workout with idle promises of making it up. We did, however, make the run after work. We ran a little short on tim, but did manage to work in a short 2 miler (better than nothing!). Following that we had our first leader meeting for Young Life this year (which I am really fired up about this year). Following the meeting, we all met to watch the awesomeness of Jack Bauer and 24. I heard that Jack Bauer counted to infinity.... TWICE! Oh and he can also divide by zero... and when Jack Bauer gets into the water, he does not get wet... the water gets Jack Bauered instead.
Anyway, this morning Becca and I successfully talked ourselves into not going to the gym. We just got home too late and we can just go the gym tonight, no reason not to grab a few more z's... By the way, this has to stop! I have to figure out a way to get up in the morning!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Saturday, Becca and I braved the 33 degree temp and rain to run in the too cold to hold 5K at White Rock Lake. After being a couch spud all week, this run hurt me. I managed to throw down a 27:24 5K, pretty good for me, but not setting the world on fire. I had some left leg/ankle/foot pain issues in the run. I think this kind of strain is too much too soon. I will regress back to slow slow and steady and continue to build base.
Today the sun came out for the first time in a while. It was absolutely beautiful outside. The only negative was a little north wind. I called all of my known riding buddies to arrange a ride, but they all crapped out and had other "important" things to do... Oh well, I went anyway and rode 25 miles to the lake and back averaging just under 17mph. Going out, my average was 20.7mph, but that darn north headwind made coming home suck.
Hopefully the weather will hold up and I can get back on track with everything. It is still early, so I am not worried. The main thing that I really want to accomplish in January is to loose some lbs! If I can make the necessary diet changes, that should be no problem. I am up a few pounds for some reason at 233. My goal is to drop 30 by August! Thanks for reading.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Okay, so last night:
7 mile single speed ride, about 45 minutes. Not the best workout, but allot of fun! It was a little muddy and cold tonight. The crash was a ittle painful but I'll live! I have a nice baseball sized bruise on my hip that Stephen says looks like a nebula from some far away galaxy... I had no idea a bruise could have so many shades of purple, blue and red! I missed my swim workout due to having to work late... Oh well, that is just one missed swim this week!
5K run, 32:57:17... ran slow tonight. Becca kicked my ass, I was a little winded. I followed the run with a 20 mile bike ride. Got some new speedplay pedals, so I just had to try them out. Averaged 15. The wind was 21 out of the south with 30 mph gusts going out. Comming home was a blast... be stayed around 22 and sometimes 25+ with the tail wind. Great ride!
I am getting some slack about my cycling. I will say that I am adding some cycling workouts to gain fitness and lose weight. For the record, Becca (and David) I have not missed a run workout and I have only missed one swim.
I am excited about my pedals. I hope the added float from the speedplays will save me from injury and run pain.
Friday, January 05, 2007
This week was a little light on training. It was a short week though. The important thing is that I AM training!!! I am a lean 230, but training!
This will be somewhat of a bulk entry so forgive me for the lack of commentary. Also, just for the record, I have not been totally inactive since my last training entry. My weeks have included a few weight workouts, treadmill runs and at least 30 miles a week of mountain biking, which consists of a Tuesday night single speed ride and Saturday mornings at Grapevine's North Shore. My wife keeps reminding me that the time has come to hang up the Mountain bike and get down the roadie... She's right. It has been something I have been dreading. Mountain biking and my new love of single speeding is just so so much fun. Oh well... they are just two on a long list of sacrifices I will have to make to get to that finish line in Louisville. It is funny how much ironman is on my mind. Just tonight , I meditated on it while running -- visualizing myself and wondering how I will feel coming out of T2. Also in the pool tonight, I wondered if I would be smooth and fast, having good form in the race following the countless meters I will have to swim between now and August... or will it be like the near death and drowning experience I had in McKinney? (See Archives) One thing is certain: I will be a much different person, athlete, employee, etc. once I get there. I find myself looking at the more philosophical aspects of Ironman, knowing and hoping that it will be the journey that will be the most beneficial and no so much the pinnacle that is the race. The race is just there so I can earn the tattoo, right?
Anyway, here's the summary for 2007 thus far:
Workout 1: 1/2/2007 - Single Speed Mountain Bike Ride at Grapevine, at night (Hard Core Baby!) 12 Miles, cold as hell, felt GREAT! One hour and twenty-ish minutes.
Workout 2: 1/3/2007 - Little Easy Swim Brick: 800 Meters (ran short of time) followed by a quick 10 miler on the road bike. Yes, the road bike... I have decided to ride the LeMond Steel this early season until I can get some new aero bars and a proper fit.
Workout 3: 1/4/2007 - 3 mile run, 28:12, 9:20/mile pace - felt okay, orthos felt good, no foot, leg or hip trouble... even though I am 30 lbs overweight.
Workout 4: 1/5/2007 - 30 Miles on the road bike 2:04:32. Slow night ride to White Rock Lake via Meandering Way with hills. The trail had some washout mud and was slick so we tried an alternate route home, which ended up taking us through the ghetto on busy roads at night... not too bright, but an adventure nonetheless!
Workout 5: 1/7/2007 - Sunday Super Brick! Missed Saturday's ride due to a late night at Carson's Live on Friday... Becca just had to go dancing... Anyway Stephen and I did a loop around the lake trying to beat a cold front that was supposed to be hitting... we rode out to White Rock only to have the front show up early... The ride back north and home was miserable with 30mph gusts. Yuck! Anyway 30 miles, 1:50:31. This was followed promptly by a 3 mile run (Brick) 31:24 (slow). Felt great, just a little sore in the aductor region and left hammy.
Workout 6 (today): 1/8/2007 - 3 Mile run with Becca. Felt great! 28:04 (Becca's getting fast!) Followed by a swim. Only did 1500 meters tonight. Started off focusing on form and staying relaxed and long. First set was a 1000... just felt great to be in the water. Finished with 200x2 fast and a 100 swim down.
Feeling good about everything to this point. I will be really working hard on building some core strength over the next several months. Hopefully the lbs will start coming off soon... thanks for reading!