Sunday, January 21, 2007

Well, thanks for hanging in there waiting for a report. The sad thing is that there has been nothing to report for some time. We have had rain, ice and sleet falling for the past 9 days. I was able to squeeze a 1000 meter swim and 5K run in on Thursday night (slow 31:33). Other than that, just been trapped inside and unmotivated.

Saturday, Becca and I braved the 33 degree temp and rain to run in the too cold to hold 5K at White Rock Lake. After being a couch spud all week, this run hurt me. I managed to throw down a 27:24 5K, pretty good for me, but not setting the world on fire. I had some left leg/ankle/foot pain issues in the run. I think this kind of strain is too much too soon. I will regress back to slow slow and steady and continue to build base.

Today the sun came out for the first time in a while. It was absolutely beautiful outside. The only negative was a little north wind. I called all of my known riding buddies to arrange a ride, but they all crapped out and had other "important" things to do... Oh well, I went anyway and rode 25 miles to the lake and back averaging just under 17mph. Going out, my average was 20.7mph, but that darn north headwind made coming home suck.

Hopefully the weather will hold up and I can get back on track with everything. It is still early, so I am not worried. The main thing that I really want to accomplish in January is to loose some lbs! If I can make the necessary diet changes, that should be no problem. I am up a few pounds for some reason at 233. My goal is to drop 30 by August! Thanks for reading.

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