Friday, February 16, 2007

Well, Wednesday saw no workout due to the marketing ploy that is Valentine's day. We hung out instead.

Yesterday morning's run was squelched by record cold temperatures. We ended up running to the gym, doing circuit trainin, then running home. Alltold, we ran about 4.5 miles. It was miserable cold. My faith continues to wane in my orthotics... I am having some blistering and pain issues. Do these things really work? They were great at first and are now giving me fits. Maybe I need a second opinion.

I can't wait for the weather to turn normal or at least warm. I hate this cold and rainy crud. Becca and I are racing in a duathlon this weekend. I am so out of shape it isn't even funny. Maybe we make this a fun one.


Brenden said...

um, if you can run 4.5 miles.....i don't think your out of shape! oh oh, funny story....ok so i have my ERG test this moring (i think i did ok) and then went swimming (yay- pumps arm in the air!) for about 30mins. when my friend and i got done we started walking back to our dorms and she felt her hair....needless to say...our hair FROZE straight, no joke! that has never happened before...but then again it was 7 degrees outside at 6 in the morning!

keep up the good work. i know you don't want to hear this but this is just a testing point! that is what i think when i feel a pain or anything when working out! i love you and good luck to you both for this weekend!

Anonymous said...

Orthotics....I think you need to revisit your doctor. Shouldn't have blisters ... sounds like an adjustment is needed. My orthothics have never rubbed blisters on me but I never exercised like you do either.

You will get back into your training schedule! Isn't it just doing what ever you can do each day ... even if it is just a little...better than nothing. Those consistent bits of effort seem to multiply in the long run. You'll have some better training days ahead. I hope you won't allow yourself to get too frustrated.