Monday, November 27, 2006

Remember the old saying: "I'll start training on Monday?"

Confession: Well, here it is Monday and guess who blew off training. Ugh.

I did make an effort to be an ironman today, though. In talking with my Orthopedic Surgeon, Dr. Powell (ASOM) who is also training for an ironman... The topic of training came up. He Suggested a book by Matt Fitzgerald. I ordered it on Amazon today and will tell you about it when I get it. Basically, it is a cookbook for training for the ironman. This is just what I need. The plan is to do the base routine twice in a row, each time ramping up then into the fray. I am super pumped and will have to really focus to start and keep slow in the run to avoid injury. That is, if I ever start!

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